
6.0分 2008/美国/剧情,犯罪
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BT吧为您提供2008年由斯蒂芬·多尔夫,马利索·妮可,Vincent Miller,安妮·阿彻,拉内尔·斯托瓦尔,方·基默,山姆·夏普德,强尼·莱维斯,哈罗德·佩里诺,肖恩·普林斯,克里斯·勃朗宁,尼克·齐兰德,格雷格·塞拉诺,杰克·沃克,内特·派克主演,里克·罗曼·沃夫导演的《监狱生活》/原名《Felon》/又名《重罪秘辛(台) / 罪行重大 / 重罪人》剧情,犯罪电影在线观看完整版,《监狱生活》百度云网盘资源以及《监狱生活》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《监狱生活》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

韦德·波特(斯蒂芬·多尔夫 Stephen Dorff 饰)有一个甜蜜的家庭,温柔贤惠的妻子和天真可爱的儿子。他还幸运地申请到了工商业贷款,准备在来年大干一番。某夜,正当全家熟睡之际,突然房间里进来了盗贼,约翰保护好妻儿后,追击盗贼,在对方准备掏凶器时,他出于自卫挥起大棒,结果盗贼当场毙 命。约翰因此锒铛入狱,由于他未选择抗辩因此被判3年有期徒刑,还获得了减刑。然而,在进入牢狱之后,他才发现铁窗的日子其实跟黑社会差不多。一个通缉犯在押解途中,被捅死,原因是其吞了帮派的毒品。狱警希望约翰可以出面指证,但是约翰怕惹事,并未就范。于是,他跟狱警结下了梁子。跟他同屋的狱友,曾是一个帮派的头领,他教会了约翰应该如何融入这个肮脏的环境。为了能跟妻儿重逢,约翰被迫加入了纳粹帮,从此卷入了一场血腥的争斗……


主演:斯蒂芬·多尔夫 马利索·妮可 Vincent Miller 安妮·阿彻 拉内尔·斯托瓦尔 方·基默 山姆·夏普德 强尼·莱维斯 哈罗德·佩里诺 肖恩·普林斯 克里斯·勃朗宁 尼克·齐兰德 格雷格·塞拉诺 杰克·沃克 内特·派克 

又名:重罪秘辛(台) / 罪行重大 / 重罪人

Plot Summary:A family man Wade Porter is living the American Dream with his girlfriend Laura and their son Michael: they have a nice house, he has just raised a loan to make his company grow and they are going to get married. However their dream becomes a nightmare when Wade unintentionally kills a burglar that had broken into their house in the middle of the night on his lawn. He is sent to trial and accepts a deal proposed by the prosecutor, being sentenced to three years in prison. During the transportation, there is an incident in the bus and Wade is framed and sent to the maximum security wing under the command of the corrupt Lieutenant Jackson. His cell-mate John Smith that was sentenced to life revenging the death of his family befriends Wade and gives helpful advices and hope to Wade to return to his family.





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